BUSN-440 : Legal Issues in Business

Credits 3.0
Academic Level

This course provides a survey of a number of areas of law affecting the coduct of business. Foundational information about the U.S. legal system and dispute resolution provides an understanding of the business role and responsibilities within the environment, identifies issues, and recognizes potential legal problems. The course will provide the student a practical understanding of how the law operates and the legal rights and responsibilities of parties involved in a transaction. The development of improved reasoning and problem-solving skills in an organization or individual works and be able to incorporate this knowledge into a business decision making process. Topics include: (a) the foundations of American law; (b) overview of courts and procedures; (c) torts, criminal law, and cyberlaw; (d) essentials of contract, negotiable instruments and agency law; (e) debtor-creditor relationships; (f) forms of business organizations; (g) labor and employment law; (h) employment discrimination. Spring, Fall.