CBIO-220 : Freshwater Fisheries Management

Credits 3.0
Academic Level

This course focuses on the production and stocking, harvesting and management of freshwater game fish species including management of fish populations in small ponds, larger reservoirs and rivers. State and federal regulations on commercial and recreational harvest will be reviewed. Students will learn about options for management and assessment of fish populations in both cold and warm water systems. Case studies will highlight management challenges for wild fish populations under threat from invasive species. Students will investigate issues surrounding the use of hatchery fish for conservation, restoration and enhancement of fisheries. In the latter portion of the class, assessment and management of nongame freshwater fish species will be discussed. Prerequisites: Successful completion (C- or better) of BIOL 111 and 112 with labs. Corequisite: CBIO 220L lab, 1 credit hour. Spring even years.