CBIO-400 : Conservation Biology Application & Analysis

Credits 3.0
Academic Level

The seminar course explores advanced topics in the conservation of biological diversity via two major emphases. Emphasis 1: Foundational and current papers in the primary literature are critiqued and discussed. A wide range of conservation topics, including but not limited to, captive breeding, species reintroductions, reserve design, management of ecosystems and endangered species as well as conservation tools are explored. Each meeting consists of a brief summary lecture (initially by the instructor, but later by the student) followed by required discussions. The student will, in consultation with the instructor, select discussion papers, develop a brief lecture, and facilitate the discussion. Emphasis 2: Hands-on experience will be gained via exercises in solving the types of problems typically encountered by conservation biologists. Prerequisites: Successful completion (C- or better) of BIOL 200, BIOL 370 with lab, two biodiversity courses and senior standing, or permission of instructor. Spring.