EDUC-420 : Reading Diagnosis and Correction

Credits 3.0
Academic Level

This course focuses on evidence-based reading intervention strategies to develop candidates’ competencies and understanding of the components associated with the theoretical and practical aspects of reading and diagnostic assessment. Candidates will examine the administration and interpretation of diagnostic instruments necessary to evaluate students’ strengths and weaknesses for word recognition, phonics and word analysis, fluency, and vocabulary. Candidates will explore the symptoms, causes, and effects of reading disabilities, recommending research-based strategies which provide appropriate interventions to meet student needs. Candidates will create case reports detailing the data driven decision-making process of diagnosis, originating a course of instruction inclusive of appropriate corrective and remedial instruction. Course requirements include field experience and clinical practice, under the supervision of the instructor, to observe classroom behaviors occurring in a naturalistic environment and to provide authentic learning experience with diagnosing and correcting reading problems. Clinical field experience required. Pre-requisite: EDUC 210, EDUC 290. Fall, Spring.