

FIN-350: Bank Management

Credits 3.0

This course will examine the operation of financial institutions, focusing on the identification and analysis of problems faced in the changing economic environment. The class will also consider competition, growth, profitability, and regulation of financial intermediaries. Pre-requisites: FIN 360. Fall.

FIN-360: Corporate Finance

Credits 3.0

This course is an introduction to issues relating to business finance, focusing on corporate finance. The course will introduce financial markets, financial planning, forecasting and evaluation. The course will concentrate on the time value of money and its use in valuing financial assets and evaluating risk and return. The course will also include an introductory discussion on weighted average cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, and short term financial management, and financing assets. Pre-requisites: ACCT 210, BUSN 270 OR MATH 270 or permission of instructor. Fall and Spring.

FIN-370: Financial Markets & Institutions

Credits 3.0

The objective of the course is to prepare students for today's dynamic financial environment. The course will emphasize both theory and application of the underlying drivers of the domestic and international financial market systems. Key topics of emphasis in the course, among others, will be risk management, determinants of interest rates, foreign exchange markets and financial institutions. Spring.

FIN-380: Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management

Credits 3.0

This course gives students an in depth knowledge of investments and portfolio analysis. It introduces students to the investment environment, asset classes and financial instruments. It also rigorously teaches and emphasizes topics such as risk and return, capital allocation to risky assets, optimal risky portfolios, the capital asset pricing model, behavioral finance, and technical analysis, among others. Additionally, the course will give students an in-depth and hands-on knowledge of equity investments. Prerequisites: FIN 360 or FIN 370. Fall.

FIN-420: Advanced Financial Management

Credits 3.0

This course provides an in-depth knowledge of topics beyond basic corporate finance. The course teaches advanced topics such as corporate valuations, project valuations, strategic planning decisions, tactical financing decisions, working capital management, and among others. Students will be challenged to apply the concepts using practical business cases. Spring.

FIN-430: Financial Forecasting & Budgeting

Credits 3.0

Budgeting is critical to the survival and success of any firm. This course, therefore, gives students an in-depth of strategic. Operating and capital budgets. This knowledge includes but is not limited to the preparation, review. Execution and audit of budgets. Students are also exposed to quantitative forecasting, which will teach students essential tools such as moving averages and smoothing techniques. The course uses case studies to challenge students to evaluate, assess and resolve real business budgetary issues. Spring.