

HNRS-100 : Honors Perspective & Skills

Credits 1.0

This course is an introduction to the ethos and expectations of the Honors program along with strategies for college success. Assigned readings and intentional discussions will shape critical rhetorical skills across disciplines with current and historical sources. There will also be in integrated focus on skills for success in college expectations which include academic, social, and service learning. Pre-requisite: admission into the University Honors Scholars Program. Fall

HNRS-200 : Meaning, Service in Diverse World

Credits 1.0

This course further develops critical rhetorical skills as it focuses on values and service from an intellectual diversity perspective. It will use these explorations to initiate the process of forming a thesis research question. The student will be introduced to the concepts, values, and processes of scholarly work. Pre-requisite: HNRS 100 and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program. Fall.

HNRS-203 : Honors Seminar

Credits 1.0

A special seminar taught by selected faculty focusing on a topic related to cutting-edge research in a specific discipline, current events, or important questions of perennial scholarly interest. Prerequisites: HNRS 100, and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program. May be repeated for up to 3 credit hours provided that the topic varies. Fall and Spring.

HNRS-300 : Junior Honors Thesis Project

Credits 1.0

This course initiates the honors thesis scholarly work where the student implements their own scholarly investigation or creative work process under the supervision of a faculty member approved by the Honors Council. The outcome should be a justified scholarly project proposal that is supported by the previous scholarly work of others.  If the project is to be a creative work, a written prospectus should indicate its merit.  This course may be repeated once for credit toward required honors program credit. This course could substitute for the Junior SEWS writing requirement. Pre-requisite: HNRS 200 and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program plus instructor approval.

HNRS-303 : Honors Seminar

Credits 1.0

A special seminar taught by selected faculty focusing on a topic related to cutting-edge research in a specific discipline, current events, or important questions of perennial scholarly interest. Prerequisites: HNRS 100, HNRS 203, and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program. May be repeated for up to 3 credit hours provided that the topic varies. Fall and Spring.

HNRS-333 : Honors Laboratory

Credits 0.0

Core course for advancement of Program goals to enhance personal growth and professional development. Class will feature readings, discussions, and the planning and execution of group projects to encourage intellectual dialogue, increase exposure to interdisciplinary academics, as well as reinforce a service ethic and cultural collaboration. Pre-requisites: Admission to and good standing in Honors Scholars Program. Required once per academic year for HSP students. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hrs. Fall/Spring. 0 to 0.5 credit hours per semester.

HNRS-400 : Senior Honors Thesis

Credits 1.0

This course is a continuation of the honors thesis scholarly work to bring it to its conclusion. The scholarly work of this course is more independent and should commence only after the proposal or prospectus is approved by the faculty supervisor. The outcome of this course is a product that is ready to present and defend before faculty and students. If the scholarly work was a creative work, written notes and reflections are to be completed. This course may be repeated once for credit toward required honors program credit. This course could substitute for the Senior SEWS writing requirement. Pre-requisite: HNRS 300 and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program plus instructor approval. Fall and Spring.

HNRS-497 : Senior Honors Capstone

Credits 0.0

Students with a completed scholarly project must register for this course and complete a presentation of the work before faculty and students of LMU. The work may also be presented at regional and national scholarly meetings. In the case of creative scholarly work, a well-publicized show or recital must be completed. This course may not be repeated. Pre-requisite: HNRS 400 and good standing in the University Honors Scholars Program and instructor approval. Open to graduating Honors students only. Fall and Spring