Identification Verification Policies

Up-to-date distance education policies are found on the Policies page of the LMU website.

Policy for Verification of Identity

It is the policy of Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) to ensure that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives credit. LMU will ensure this by verifying each student’s identity.

In compliance with the SACSCOC (2020) Distance Education and Correspondence Courses Policy Statement, verification of a student’s identity shall be accomplished either by: (a) use of a secure login and password/passcode; (b) proctored examinations; or (c) use of new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identity in a distance education environment.

Procedure for Verification of Identity

At LMU, the primary and preferred method of verification of a student’s identity for distance education purposes shall be option (a) of the policy, use of a secure login and passcode along with multi-factor authentication. Options (b) proctored examinations and/or (c) new technologies may be used to verify the identity of a student when approved through appropriate University approval processes to include vote by Department and Academic School/College faculty and Academic Council.

Distance Education Policy and Procedures for Protecting Student Privacy

It is the policy of Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) to ensure that the privacy of students enrolled in distance education courses or programs shall be protected.


  1. Privacy of student records will be maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Lincoln Memorial University will ensure that it is in compliance with all FERPA guidelines. Should the University use any service provider for the delivery of online courses, that provider will be contractually obligated to meet FERPA guidelines.
  2. Students will submit course assignments within the password/passcode-protected, multi-factor-authenticated learning management system designated for the course in which they are enrolled.
  3. Student postings to discussion boards, chat rooms, and class forums shall be accessible only to members of the class, the course instructor(s), and anyone specifically authorized by a course instructor if such authorization is for pedagogical/assessment purposes. (The President, a Vice President, Academic School/College Deans, and Program Directors may access discussion boards, chat rooms, and class forums for evaluation/assessment purposes.)
  1. Grades for discussion board participation and written assignments are confidential and are only accessible by the individual student and the course instructor(s), and anyone specifically authorized by a course instructor if such authorization is for pedagogical/assessment purposes. (The President, a Vice President, Academic School/College Deans, and Program Directors may access grades for evaluation/assessment purposes.)
  1. Online student examinations shall be accessible only to course instructor(s) and anyone specifically authorized by a course instructor if such authorization is for pedagogical purposes. (The President, a Vice President, Academic School/College Deans, and Program Directors may access examinations for evaluation/assessment purposes.)
  2. Material from online courses used for curriculum/course/program assessment/evaluation purposes will be reviewed by course instructors and Academic School/College Deans to ensure that it does not include the identity of individual students.
  3. Personally identifiable information of students, regardless of whether it is kept by LMU or a service provider, shall be kept in an encrypted format with at least 128kb encryption methods.

Distance Education Policy and Procedure for Additional Student Charges Related to Verification of Identity

In compliance with SACSCOC Standard 10.6 Section C, it is the policy of Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) that advance notice will be provided to distance education students of any additional student charges associated with verification of student identity.

Procedures When Additional Student Cost Is Involved

Currently, three options for verification of student identity are available and referenced in LMU’s Distance Education Policy and Procedure for Verification of Identity. At LMU, the primary and preferred method for verification of a student’s identity for distance education purposes is the use of a secure login and passcode with multi-factor authentication. In addition to being an effective and accepted means of verification of student identity, this option does not require that a student be burdened with any additional charges related to verification of identity.

However, (a) if it becomes necessary to adopt another means to verify that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program, and receives credit for it; and (b) if such new verification method involves an additional cost which is to be passed on to the student; then (c) adequate advance notice (including, but not limited to, at the time of registration or enrollment) of the additional cost related to verification of identity will be provided to the student.

Notification methods, at minimum, will include: identifying the additional charges in registration materials published for each semester, including notice of the additional charges in distance education course syllabi, and notifying distance education students by email.