Media Communication


MCOM-100: Introduction to Film

Credits 3.0

This course introduces students to the various film genres, film industry history including attempts at censorship and analyzes the cultural context that add meaning to certain movies. Several movies will be shown during the course and some may have scenes and dialogue of an explicit nature. As needed.

MCOM-110: Introduction to Mass Media

Credits 3.0

An overview of the social, legal, technological, and economic factors that have affected media history. Students will gain an understanding of media literacy, analyzing media message construction, an understanding of the tools used by media practitioners to attain specific effects as well as discussion of the source credibility and context of media messages and the media’s collective effect on the population and culture. Fall.

MCOM-203: Production Practicum

Credits 1.0

Practicum experience as production staff in broadcasting environment. Completing a minimum 45 hours of assigned activities is required for one credit hour earned. May be repeated for a total 3 credit hours applicable to program and/or degree requirements. Activities performed in fulfillment of assignments/requirements for other courses or the work-study program will not earn credit for MCOM 203-AO/BO. Fall, Spring.

MCOM-260: Copywriting for Digital Media

Credits 3.0

Analysis and practice in writing content for a variety of media and genres, including and not limited to, commercials, PSA's, blogging and promotion.

MCOM-261: Newswriting for Digital Media

Credits 3.0

Methods of news gathering including interviewing and research for journalistic purposes will be covered along with writing for range of media, beginning with print and ranging to broadcast, tweeting, and blogging. Ethical newsgathering and writing practices will be discussed and analyzed. As needed.

MCOM-270: Social Media

Credits 3.0

An overview of our current understanding of social media phenomena from the point of view of media professionals and ethicists. Social media refers to the services, tools and platforms used to communicate to targeted audiences. This class will analyze the best use of communication tools to reach a target audience with a targeted message. using a range of social media. As needed.

MCOM-271: Audio Production

Credits 3.0

Hands-on approach to the principles of tapeless digital recording on a variety of digital platforms using audio production software. In-depth discussions of digital audio, synchronization, audio for video and film, and multichannel sound mixing techniques. Focuses on use of digital audio workstations in an audio post-production environment. As needed.

MCOM-280: Multi-Camera Production

Credits 3.0

This course examines the planning, set up, direction, recording, and dissemination of multiple camera events. Events may include sports, news programs, talk shows, and plays. Experiential learning takes place in controlled studio environment and on-location. As needed.

MCOM-281: Single-Camera Production

Credits 3.0

Instruction and hands-on experience with producing content for news, PSA’s, commercials, and/or short videos. The class will include an introduction to the concepts of nonlinear editing, shooting, and editing for continuity in both audio and video, field lighting, and performing as an “OMB-One Man Band” in terms of being able to write, shoot, edit, and be talent for various programming formats. As needed.

MCOM-320: Media Theory

Credits 3.0

This course will look at communication theories relevant to media professionals. These theories will help the future professional anticipate the possible effects and reactions that the audience may have to certain programming. Prerequisite: MCOM 110. As needed.

MCOM-333: Film Genre

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to give students both a practical and theoretical overview of dominant film genres and their conventions. The evolution of each genre will be illustrated from its earliest beginnings to its latest examples. The student will learn how to define film genres, how to read their codes, and how to recognize elements of film genres even when they are mixed into a heterogeneous film. As needed.

MCOM-335: Video Performer

Credits 3.0

Explores and applies principles and techniques toward the development of skills in video performance relative to a variety of traditional and emerging video performance situations: news anchor, reporter, commercial spokesperson, video training sessions, and other such contexts. Video performance exercises include: anchoring, interviewing, field reporting, talk show hosting, commercial, and public service announcing, and acting. Spring.

MCOM-370: Television News Production

Credits 3.0

Showing and demonstrating best practices for researching, writing, shooting, lighting, and editing news packages for television and other media. Prerequisite: MCOM 281. As needed.

MCOM-372: Digital Editing

Credits 3.0

Theory and practical application of editing skills and techniques utilizing nonlinear video and audio editing programs for a variety of programming formats including, but not limited to, commercials and
PSA’s, news, short movies, and other material. As needed.

MCOM-380: Strategic Communication

Credits 3.0

This course introduces students to the general field of strategic communication covering psychological and sociological theories related to optimum message construction and reception, use of communication to advocate corporate or nonprofit messages. Course will address advertising and public relations in a range of media including contrasting strategic communication with propaganda. As needed.

MCOM-410: Media Law and Ethics

Credits 3.0

Overview of legal theory and analysis of cases related to libel, slander, obscenity, indecency, copyright and issues rleated to the journalist. Special attention is given to how traditional legal definitions have evolved with the digital communication technologies. Ethical standards and codes related to media professionals will be analyzed along with case studies.

MCOM-420: Media Sales, Mktg & Promotion

Credits 3.0

This course will cover terminology and approaches to media sales, covering sales for TV, radio, cable, newspaper, and new media. Included are discussions and exploration of terms and techniques related to media marketing and promotion analyzing the evolution of such techniques with a growing need to cross-promote media, reach an increasingly fractured audience, and exploit new technologies. As needed.

MCOM-430: Media Literacy

Credits 3.0

Covering basic principles of media literacy. This class will cover the necessary skills to analyze, evaluate and deconstruct media messages across a range of media including legacy and social media to determine source credibility and persuasion techniques utilize. Discussion of utilizing media literacy skills to facilitate production of media content. Prerequisites: COMM 200 and MCOM 110. As needed.

MCOM-460: Argument and Persuasion

Credits 3.0

Covering basic principles, theories and practices regarding persuasion, argumentation and debate. Best practices of persuasion in public speaking and mediated communication will be examined. Course examines ethics and refutation and will clarify understandings of persuasion and propaganda techniques. Prerequisite: COMM 200. As needed.

MCOM-470: Advanced Video Production

Credits 3.0

Analyzes in detail the process of pre-production, production, and postproduction followed by the production of a single project of a scripted or unscripted program. The class will include analysis of target audience and soliciting funding for such a project. Prerequisites: MCOM 281 and 372. As needed.

MCOM-475: Advanced Digital Editing

Credits 3.0

Designed to expand the student’s understanding of the video post-production compositing and editing process. Throughout the course the students will analyze various forms of editing styles and compositing techniques in professionally produced productions. It is assumed that the student already possesses an understanding of the non-linear video editing software. Prerequisite: MCOM 372. As needed.

MCOM-485: Senior Seminar

Credits 3.0

Each student will contract with the instructor to write, direct, and produce a production or productions that will serve as a resume tape to further the student’s portfolio. Each project will be accompanied by a written report covering purpose of production, timeline of steps, budget, script and post-production analysis of what was learned during the process. Each project must have approval of instructor before beginning production. Prerequisite: Senior status or permission of instructor. As needed.

MCOM-498: Internship

Credits 1.0

Staff/apprentice work experience at an approved business/agency directly related to communication arts. Each credit hour earned requires 60 hours of logged, on-duty work. The student must submit a written report or journal at the conclusion of the internship. The internship is monitored and evaluated by a faculty sponsor, in verification and close consultation with the supervising representative of the business/agency. Maximum 3 credit hours of MCOM 498 applicable to the major program in Communications and Media. Up to 3 additional credit hours applicable as electives to the baccalaureate degree. LMU retains ultimate control and supervision of the internship. Prerequisites: At least junior status and approval of the director of the Communication and Media program. Fall and Spring as needed.