Standards of Academic Progress

With the exception of freshmen (students with < 30 credit hours earned), students must have a 2.00 cumulative grade point average to maintain good academic standing. Freshmen who fail to achieve a 2.00 GPA will be placed on Academic Warning for one semester. If a student fails to maintain the following Standards of Academic Progress, he/she will be notified in a letter from the Office of Academic Affairs.

Academic Warning— When, for any one semester, the GPA for an undergraduate student in good academic standing falls below 2.0, while the student’s cumulative GPA remains above a 2.0.
Procedures: The student will be required to meet with his/her Academic Advisor and an Academic Support counselor. During this meeting, a plan will be developed that will include academic counseling, referral to tutoring services, and possible referral to other resources as needed. The Office of Academic Support will monitor the student’s progress throughout the semester. A student who fails to achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 for two consecutive semesters will be placed on Academic Probation.

Academic Probation— When an undergraduate student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0; or when an undergraduate student has a semester GPA below a 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, but does not meet criteria for Academic Suspension.
Procedures: The student will be required to meet with his/her Academic Advisor and an Academic Support counselor. During this meeting a plan will be developed that will include academic counseling, referral to tutoring services, and possible referral to other resources as needed. An Academic Probation Contract is developed, which stipulates that the student will attend tutoring and meet up to once a week with an Academic Support Counselor. The Office of Academic Support will monitor the student’s progress throughout the semester. Students on probation may register for 12 to 17 hours during their probationary period with schedules approved by the Office of Academic Support.
Special conditions: Should a student enter a third consecutive semester with a semester GPA below 2.0, but the cumulative GPA remains above the scale (see below) for Academic Suspension, the role of Academic Advisor for that student will be transferred to a member of the Office of Academic Support. This, in addition to the aforementioned criteria, will assist the student in identifying strategies for improving his/her academic performance.

Academic Suspension— When an undergraduate student is on Academic Probation for at least one semester and fails to meet the minimum GPA requirements listed below (these students are subject to suspension for a period of one regular semester); or when a full-time undergraduate student fails all courses in any given semester.

Scale: GPA Required to Avoid Suspension
Hours Attempted Cumulative GPA
0-29 1.50 GPA
30-45 1.75 GPA
46-59 1.90 GPA
60+ Hours 2.00 GPA

Procedures: A student who is academically suspended has the opportunity to submit a written appeal to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, if the student feels there are extenuating circumstances to be considered. The Office of Academic Affairs will receive all academic appeals. A student who is academically suspended from the University may apply for re-admission after the elapsed suspension period by submitting a written request to the Academic Affairs Office a minimum of 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester for which the student is requesting re-admission. A second academic suspension will result in suspension for a full calendar year. A third academic suspension will result in permanent dismissal from the University.