Sport Management


SMT-200: Introduction to Sport Management

Credits 3.0

This course will provide students with an introduction to the sport industry, management and leadership in sports, sport governance planning, policy-making, program evaluation, budgeting, public relations and sport psychology. It provides an overview of the responsibilities of those involved in the sport industry (interscholastic, intercollegiate and professional). In addition, this course will provide students with a historical perspective of sports. Emphasis on the future development of sport and discussions on career opportunities are presented. Fall.

SMT-310: Sport Public & Media Relations

Credits 3.0

This course is an intensive exploration of selected topics in sport information. Specific topics include models of sport communication, print and electronic media, sport advertising, public relations, media relations, social media, employment opportunities and current trends in the field. Fall.

SMT-314: Sport & Society

Credits 3.0

This course will address research and discussion of critical questions in sport management. This course will examine the relationship of spo1t, both professional and amateur, and society. Topics include sp01t and global social issues, such as gender, ethnicity, social class, economics, politics, and mass media. It can examine the social and cultural history of spo1t and its influence on our social institutions, such as politics, the economy, and government. Guest speakers and spo1t professionals may lecture in the classes. Spring.

SMT-405: Legal Aspects of Sports Management

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to assist the students in exploring how the legal system applies to the sport industry and impacts managerial decisions. Topics covered include tort law, negligence, risk management, agency law, contract law, employment law, constitutional law, gender equity, intellectual property law, and antitrust law. Students will examine how prior cases impact future decisions. Spring.

SMT-430: Sport Governance & Administration

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to assist students in understanding the aims, objectives, principles, policies, procedures, and requirements for a successful career as a sport administrator. It is important in today's dynamic environment of global athletics that students value effective leadership and management principles. Through analyzing case studies, students will demonstrate problem solving related to handling athletic personnel and program issues. Course will also develop a contemporary understanding of governing bodies, leadership, decision making, and policy at all levels of sport. Fall.

SMT-450: Sports Facility & Event Mgmt

Credits 3.0

This course focuses on the fundamentals of managing sporting events and sports facilities. Emphasis is placed on examining various management techniques and the development of performance measurements associated with event and facilities operations. Project management skills are developed within the framework of sport event and facilities design, finance and budgeting, bidding and planning process, emergency management, ticketing, concessions, transportation, crowd management, parking and coordination of dignitaries. Students will examine events ranging from local one-day contests to multi-day international events. Student will be expected to observe a designated number of events on campus as well as plan and conduct an event on campus. Spring.