The Grading System

Grades and quality points represent the instructor’s final assessment of the student’s performance in a course.

The “C” grade is the instructor’s certification that the student has demonstrated average mastery of the material. The grade of “B” signifies that the student has gained a significantly more effective command of the material. The grade of “A” is interpreted to mean that the instructor recognizes exceptionally high performance. A student is graded “D” when a grasp of the course is minimal. The “F” grade indicates failure to achieve the minimal level required and the necessity for successful repeating of the course before credit will be awarded.

A quality point is the value assigned to a letter grade. LMU uses a plus/minus grading system for its undergraduate curriculum.

A 4.0 quality points per semester credit hour
A-   3.67 quality points per semester credit hour
B+   3.33 quality points per semester credit hour
 3.0 quality points per semester credit hour
B-   2.67 quality points per semester credit hour
C+   2.33 quality points per semester credit hour
 2.0 quality points per semester credit hour
C-   1.67 quality points per semester credit hour
D+   1.33 quality points per semester credit hour
 1.0 quality point per semester credit hour
D-   0.67 quality point per semester credit hour
 no quality points earned

Other possible grades or transcript notations include:

Incomplete. If the request for an “I” grade is approved, the work must be completed within the first six weeks of the following semester (excluding summer terms); otherwise the grade automatically becomes “F.” The grade of I is calculated in the grade point average with zero points. A student may not repeat (re-enroll) in a course to resolve an Incomplete grade.
Passing. Given for credit hours but not for quality points. Not computed in grade-point average (GPA).
IP  In Progress. Work is progressing. The IP grade is restricted to specific courses in the curriculum.
NC  No Credit. No credit assigned for the course. Not computed in the GPA.
SC  Special credit. Not computed in the GPA.
CE  Credit by Examination. Not computed in the GPA.
AU  Audit. Denotes official audit of course; no credit awarded nor grade assigned. To be designated by the Drop/Add Deadline.
WD  Withdrew. Denotes official withdrawal from the course.

Pass/Fail Grade Option

A student with junior or senior classification may take up to twelve semester credit hours of 300-level and/or 400-level courses to be graded simply pass/fail, applicable to degree requirements but outside the major program requirements. This option must be declared prior to mid-term on the official form available in the Office of the Registrar.