Exercise Science


PEXS-265: Injury Prevention & Emergency Management

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to sports first aid and injury prevention. It involves fulfilling the role of being a competent first responder to athletic injuries and illness. Fall and Spring.

PEXS-275: Technology for Sport & Exercise Science

Credits 2.0

The purpose of this course is to familiarize and enhance Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science majors with technology skills to support them in their field, including the K-12 setting. This course includes personal computer use in creating materials to enhance instruction and aid in assessment. Also included are other technologies, such as tablet devices (iPads), heart rate monitors, bioelectrical impendence, dartfish, and various field related software and internet tools. Spring

PEXS-295: Special Topics

Credits 1.0

A Special Topic course (195, 295, 395, 495) is a limited time offering, by an Academic Department, of a course not listed in the undergraduate catalog. Special Topic courses are designed and offered by full-time faculty members and provide an opportunity to (a) offer a course that addresses a recently emerging issue, (b) pilot a course before submission for approval as a regular offering in the undergraduate programs course catalog, and/or (c) provide a limited offering of a topical course to enrich and expand offerings based on current student and faculty interest. Special Topic courses must be approved by (a) the department chair and (b) the school Dean. The Course Approval Form documenting departmental and school approval, as well as the course syllabus, will be archived in the Dean’s Office. Special Topic courses cannot be used as course equivalent substitutions for satisfying LMU’s General Education Core Curriculum requirements. The Department Chair can approve a Special Topic course as an elective toward a major. A Special Topic course can be taught as many as three times before it must be submitted to Academic Council for consideration as a regular course offering to be published in the Undergraduate Programs Catalog.

PEXS-300: Exercise Physiology

Credits 3.0

Components of physical fitness and athletic conditioning, adaptations in the body that result as consequence of short- and long-term exercise. Risk factors encountered by athletes and others involved in physical activity and the development of fitness and conditioning programs. Prerequisite: BIOL 261 and 262 with corequisite labs or BIOL 310 and 365 with corequisite labs. Fall

PEXS-303: Application of Exercise Physiology I

Credits 1.0

Laboratory experiences examining the topics of homeostasis, bioenergetics, cell metabolism, and hormone responses as they relate to exercise. Additional topics to be covered are acute and chronic responses of the immune, nervous, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory systems to exercise. Also included are acid-base balance, temperature regulation, and the physiology of training effect on various performance factors. Co-requisite: PEXS 300. Fall.

PEXS-310: Measurement & Evaluation for Sport & Exercise Science

Credits 3.0

This course will enable the student to apply statistical techniques to become an effective evaluator of student achievement and design or select tests to effectively evaluate students in many different areas from skill achievement, deficiencies, present level of fitness to cognitive abilities. The course will also cover written construction, fitness and health related fitness/wellness evaluation for elementary, middle, secondary and college age students. Prerequisites: Math 110 or higher. Fall.

PEXS-320: Legal Aspects of Sports

Credits 3.0

This course provides a foundation of legal knowledge for students to apply to the sport industry and opportunities for students to engage with the legal information through assignments and examinations. Topics to be discussed include sports in society, torts, risk management, discrimination, drug testing, contracts, antitrust law, labor relations, agents, intercollegiate and interscholastic athletic issues, and international sports. As needed. 

PEXS-350: Sport and Exercise Psychology

Credits 3.0

This course is a detailed study of the application of selected psychological variables for coaches and individuals who participate in physical activity and sport. Variables such as motivation, stress, arousal, and various intervention techniques that significantly affect the acquisition and performance of skilled behavior will be studied. Spring

PEXS-354: Techniques & Coaching of Sports Skills

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to provide a theoretical foundation for research in the development of cognitive and motor processes which underlie skilled sport performance. Emphasis is on the acquisition and integration of sports skills strategies and sports skills. 


PEXS-360: Games and Dance

Credits 3.0

Teaching basic games, gymnastics, dance, and rhythm activities for the skilled, unskilled, and special needs learner. As needed.

PEXS-372: Kinesiology & Biomechanics

Credits 3.0

Basic movement and function of the muscular and skeletal systems; application of basic physics and biomechanical principles to improve sport performance. Prerequisites: BIOL 261 and 262 with corequisite labs or BIOL 310 and 365 with corequisite labs. Spring.

PEXS-385: Scientific Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

Credits 3.0

This course is intended to serve as preparation for the certified strength and conditioning specialist examination. It will include material covering the concepts and applications of the exercise sciences, nutrition sciences, performance enhancing substances, psychology of performance, and age-and sex-related differences in regards to resistance training. Prerequisites: PEXS 300

PEXS-386: Practice & Application of Strength & Conditioning

Credits 3.0

This course is intended to serve as preparation for the certified strength and conditioning specialist examination. It will include material covering the concepts and applications of testing and evaluation, exercise techniques, program design, and organization and administration of resistance training. Prerequisites: BIOL 261 and 262 with corequisite labs or BIOL 310 and 365 with corequisite labs. Recommended: PEXS 300. 

PEXS-400: Exercise Physiology II

Credits 3.0

This course functions as an advanced supplement to PEXS 300 Exercise Physiology. In addition to reviewing the major concepts from PEXS 300, this course will also focus on topics such as: Acid-base balance during exercise, temperature regulation, chronic disease, exercise prescriptions for health and fitness, exercise for special populations, factors affecting performance, training for the female athlete, children, special populations, and the masters athlete. This course will also involve more intensive laboratory experiences. Prerequisite: PEXS 300. Spring. 

PEXS-403: Application of Exercise Physiology II

Credits 1.0

This course will cover the topics of homeostasis, bioenergetics, cell metabolism, and hormone responses as they relate to exercise. Additional topics to be covered are acute and chronic responses of the immune, nervous, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory systems to exercise. Also included are acid-based balance, temperature regulation, and the physiology of training effect on various performance factors.  Prerequisite: PEXS 300, Corequisite: PEXS 400. Spring.

PEXS-430: Organization and Administration

Credits 3.0

Principles and procedures of organization, supervision, planning, budgeting, evaluation, and legal responsibilities in physical education, sport, and athletic training programs.  Spring

PEXS-434: Foundations & Administration of Healthcare Programs

Credits 3.0

Principles and procedures of administration, supervision, planning, budgeting, human resources, legal liability concerns and administrative issues concerning the operation of a health care facility. Foundations and administrative issues concerning the operation of an health care facility with practical hands-on approach.  Fall.

PEXS-435: Exercise Prescription

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to introduce the student to the parameters of exercise prescription for various special populations, including pregnant women, children and adolescents, older adult, cardiac disease, environmental considerations, and other various disease states. The course will also include information on exercise testing in pre-exercise, health-related physical fitness, and clinical settings.

PEXS-436: Ergogenic Aids in Sports

Credits 3.0

Ergogenic Aids are defined as substances, nutritional supplements, or practices intended to increase sport performance. This course educates students of the positive and negative uses of ergogenic aids. An evidence-based approach will be taken to evaluate the most current literature regarding the usage and safety of relevant ergogenic aids as well as prevention of ergogenic aid abuse and misuse. Current usage guidelines, limitations, consequences, and ethical considerations regarding certain ergogenic aid usage will be discussed. Prerequisites: PEXS 300 and HLTH 425. As needed.

PEXS-444: Advanced Sports Emergency Care

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to provide the student with advanced knowledge and skills to meet the needs of most injury situations when emergency first aid and care is critical to saving a life and minimizing the severity of injuries. The course includes examining risk management, prevention strategies, various risk factors related to sports and exercise, and discussion of personal safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite:  HLTH 120. Fall.

PEXS-474: Injury Evaluation of Upper & Lower Extremities

Credits 3.0

Analysis of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the extremities, injury pathology, evaluation techniques, and orthopedic assessment as pertaining to the upper extremity and lower extremity. Prerequisite: PEXS 372. Fall.

PEXS-476: Evidence Based Practice & Research Methods

Credits 3.0

This course will focus on outlining the foundations of evidence based practice and research in healthcare. The student will gain a basic understanding of principles in evidence based practice and how to incorporate those principles into clinical practice. Prerequisite: at least Junior classification and completion of the Junior writing requirement. Fall.

PEXS-480: Physical Education for Special Populations

Credits 3.0

Identification of abnormalities and classification of special cases requiring modified physical education; methods of assisting special needs individuals to adapt. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior classification.  As needed. 

PEXS-485: Research Methods

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to introduce students to methods and statistics common to Exercise Science and Health research. Specifically, students will develop a working knowledge of how to interpret published research, design research, analyze data, and present research in a scientific format. Students will learn the basic concepts of research and the research process. Students will prepare and present a research proposal as part of this course. Prerequisite: PEXS 310.

PEXS-486: Practical Application of Sport Science

Credits 3.0

This course will cover the topics of training load, developing testing protocols, different methods of calculating training load, statistical analysis of training load data, statistical analysis of testing data, using training load data to predict and prevent athletic injuries, using training load data to prevent overtraining syndrome in athletes, and communication of data to the sport coach. Prerequisite: PEXS 386. Recommended: PEXS 400. As needed. 

PEXS-487: Therapeutic Modalities in Healthcare

Credits 3.0

Provides students with foundational knowledge of electrotherapy, therapeutic modalities, ultrasound, and current trends in therapeutic modalities. Prerequisite: PEXS 476. Spring.

PEXS-493A: Practicum in Exercise Science

Credits 3.0

This course is intended to serve as a capstone experience for the Exercise Science student. This is a course in which the student will demonstrate all that they have learned throughout the program through papers and presentations. Students will have 2 credits standard lecture and one (1) credit field experience with 60 contact hours. Fall and Spring.

PEXS-493B: Practicum in Coaching

Credits 3.0

Supervised experience in a coaching environment, assisting in design of practice and game plans, workouts, and learning experiences. Students will have two (2) credits standard lecture and one (1) credit field experience with 60 contact hours. As Needed.

PEXS-493C: Practicum in Strength & Conditioning

Credits 3.0

This course is intended to serve as preparation for the certified strength and conditioning specialist examination. It will include a review of the material covered in PEXS 385 and 386 such as: the concepts and applications of the exercise sciences, testing and evaluation, exercise techniques, program design, and organization and administration. Students will have two (2) credits standard lecture and one (1) credit field experience with 60 contact hours. Prerequisite: PEX 386. As needed.

PEXS-493D: Practicum in Sport

Credits 3.0

This course is intended to serve as a capstone for the Exercise Science student in the Sport Concentration. Deeper exploration into the job of coaching and/or strength and conditioning coaching. As needed.

PEXS-494: General Medical Considerations in Sports Therapy

Credits 3.0

Provides students foundational knowledge in the common medical conditions and pharmacological interventions associated with the body systems (digestive, sensory, nervous system, urinary system, immune system, skin disorders/integumentary system, endocrine disorders, lymphatic system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems). Spring.

PEXS-495: Special Topics

Credits 1.0

A Special Topic course (195, 295, 395, 495) is a limited time offering, by an Academic Department, of a course not listed in the undergraduate catalog. Special Topic courses are designed and offered by full-time faculty members and provide an opportunity to (a) offer a course that addresses a recently emerging issue, (b) pilot a course before submission for approval as a regular offering in the undergraduate programs course catalog, and/or (c) provide a limited offering of a topical course to enrich and expand offerings based on current student and faculty interest. Special Topic courses must be approved by (a) the department chair and (b) the school Dean. The Course Approval Form documenting departmental and school approval, as well as the course syllabus, will be archived in the Dean’s Office. Special Topic courses cannot be used as course equivalent substitutions for satisfying LMU’s General Education Core Curriculum requirements. The Department Chair can approve a Special Topic course as an elective toward a major. A Special Topic course can be taught as many as three times before it must be submitted to Academic Council for consideration as a regular course offering to be published in the Undergraduate Programs Catalog.

PEXS-497: Senior Seminar in Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences

Credits 3.0

Course will serve as a capstone for the Sport Therapy concentration and include discussions of topics relevant to professionals in various sports therapy professions. Students will complete practice written and practical test. PEXS 497 represents the culmination of the academic and clinical progression through the Sports Therapy concentration. Prerequisite: PEXS 476. Spring.