Associate of Science in Nursing

Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) (CIP code 51.3801)


The end-of-program student learning outcomes state the graduate of the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program will: 

  • outline a plan of care for a person’s ability to function within the individual’s current environment, 
  • treat all persons, groups, and communities with dignity and respect to the individual’s culture and belief system, 
  • apply the nursing process to plan and evaluate interventions that promote a person’s adaptation to their maximum potential of health and well-being, 
  • apply the nursing process to prioritize safe, quality care for all persons within their care, 
  • establish professional relationships by communicating effectively via spoken, written, and electronic mediums, 
  • establish professional relationships by employing the role of the nurse in relation to other members of the health care team, 
  • examine existing, evidence-based strategies to promote adaptation within the persons’ present health state, and 
  • formulate a plan for success on the NCLEX-RN and continued education in the nursing profession. 

Graduates of the ASN program are eligible to apply to take the NCLEX-RN through the State Board of Nursing in which they plan to practice. The Board of Nursing has the right to deny licensure to practice nursing to individuals guilty of crime, unprofessional conduct, or incompetence. Direct any questions regarding eligibility to take the licensing examination to the board of nursing in the state in which the student wishes to be registered. The specific rules related to eligibility for the Tennessee, Kentucky, and Florida Boards of Nursing may be found as follows: TN Rule 1000-01; KY Rule 201KAR 20: 070; FL Rule Section 464.008, F.S. 

Please be aware that in certain academic programs requiring internship or placement, an additional criminal background check and a chain of custody urine drug screen (in addition to the one required with the medical profile), may be required by affiliate agencies and organizations. If required, these tests would be obtained at the student’s expense. 

ASN Admission Requirements 

Students must first be admitted to the University before formally applying for admission to the ASN program; however, admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the ASN program. The Admissions Committee will review all applicants’ materials. Admission to the program is competitive. Factors considered include: cumulative grade point average; ACT/SAT scores; grades/grade point average in required associate degree core curriculum courses; completion of BIOL 261, BIOL 262, and MATH 105 or higher with grades no lower than “C”; 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA; number of repeated courses and withdrawals; and grade improvement over time. 

Any omission, false, or misleading information on the application related to prior admission to a nursing school will preclude the student from being considered for admission or will result in the student being dismissed from the program. 

Admission is based on the following: 

  • Admission to LMU 
  • Formal application for admission to the ASN program 
  • Submission of official academic transcripts from all postsecondary schools attended. 
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher. 
  • Completed medical profile form. 

Requirements for LPNs desiring to be in the LPN-ASN program: 

  • Be a graduate of a practical nursing program 
  • Show proof of a valid non-restricted LPN license: 
  • Have validation of current working experience as an LPN 
  • Complete a minimum of 20 hours of General Education courses which will include o BIOL 261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 
    • BIOL 262 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 
    • Math 105 or higher 
  • Apply and be accepted to LMU 
  • Apply and be accepted into the ASN Program (see aforementioned ASN Admission requirements) 

Prior to beginning the ASN nursing program the student must submit: 

  • A completed physical examination form 
  • Evidence of a negative chain of custody urine drug screen and background check 
  • Current negative two-step TST or blood assay for Mycobac. Tuberc with a completed TB Risk Assessment form; Rubella, Rubeola & Mumps titer or documentation of 2 MMR vaccines; Varicella titer or immunization with Varicella vaccine; Flu immunization; Hepatitis B immunization series;  and proof of Tdap booster within the past 10 years. COVID immunization is highly recommended and, in some cases, will be required by clinical agencies for completion of clinical hours.
  • Current CPR certification (must be Healthcare provider and include adult, child and infant training) 
  • Proof of medical insurance coverage 
  • Completed and signed Student Essential Functions Form 

Transfer of credit for the ASN Program 

General education courses will be considered for transfer into the ASN program from accredited institutions. All transferred coursework must carry a grade of “C” or better. Credit for Anatomy and/or Physiology (including labs for these 2 courses) earned more than eight years ago must be approved by the ASN Program Chair. 

Transfer work for NURS 115 credit may be considered based on the following criteria: Course content comparable to LMU’s NURS 115 (validated by syllabus of transferred coursework provided by the petitioner); coursework no more than 18 months old from completion of course; skills comparable to LMU’s NURS 115; grade of a B or better; 6 hour credit course. 

ASN Program Progression and Readmission 

Attendance at a nursing orientation session prior to beginning the ASN program is mandatory. In addition, attendance is mandatory on the first day of all NURS courses. If a student fails to attend the first day of a NURS course, they may forfeit their space in the program. 

Students must successfully complete both theoretical and clinical components of any course bearing the NURS prefix. To continue in the ASN program, students are required to earn a letter grade of “B” or better (which means a cumulative number score of 80% or better) in each NURS course and a satisfactory in the clinical component of the course. An unsatisfactory grade in clinical will result in an “F” for the NURS course. The student will not be allowed to remain in the NURS course for the remainder of the semester once an unsatisfactory grade is received in the clinical area. 

If a student earns below a grade of “B” in a NURS course or chooses to interrupt their NURS course sequence for any reason, a readmission application must be submitted to nursing. This means the student cannot progress in the program until they are readmitted to said nursing course and successfully complete that course. Students re-entering the nursing program for any reason may not have a lapse of more than 18 months. Readmission to the ASN program is NOT guaranteed. If readmitted, the student must successfully remediate a specified course/s before being allowed to repeat the failed course. If a student is readmitted, it is with the understanding that they will not be allowed to continue in the nursing program if another grade below a “B” is earned in a NURS course. 

If two grades below a “B” are earned in NURS courses, whether in the same semester or different semesters, the student will not be eligible for admission, readmission, and/or progression in the ASN program. 

Any student with an Incomplete “I” in any nursing course(s) will not be allowed to enroll in subsequent nursing courses until the Incomplete “I” has been removed from the transcript. 

ASN Grading Scale 

The LMU Grading System is based on a 4.0 scale. 

The grading scale for the ASN Program is as follows: 

A 90-100 4.00 quality points
B+ 87-89 3.33 quality points
B 80-86 3.00 quality points
C+ 77-79

2.33 quality points

C 70-76 2.00 quality points
D+ 67-69 1.33 quality points
D 60-66 1.00 quality points
F Below 60 0 quality points 

General Education

I. LMU Specific Courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

*LMU requires all first-time freshmen students with less than 15 credits of college credit to complete UACT 100. This credit does not include AP, CLEP, or Dual- enrollment credit.

II. Communication

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

IV. Behavioral/Social Sciences


Item #
Sub-Total Credits

PSYC-221 counts concurrently toward LMU’s behavioral/social science general education requirement and highly recommended for ASN students. Other courses in the disciplines of Business, Criminology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology will also meet LMU’s general education requirements in the behavioral/social sciences. However, students who have completed one of these courses for their behavioral/social science requirement would still be required to take PSYC 100 or 221 as a nursing licensure requirement.

V. Mathematics


Item #
3 - 4
Sub-Total Credits

MATH 105 or higher is required

VI. Natural Sciences


Item #
Sub-Total Credits

BIOL-261, BIOL-262 are nursing licensure requirements and will count concurrently toward general education and the nursing program requirements.

VII. General Education Proficiency

Required testing and other measures are used to determine the extent to which students achieve the learning outcomes of The Core Curriculum at the Associate’s level. Students graduating from an Associate’s degree program are tested in the semester of graduation. 

Nursing Core

Students must complete either the Traditional Student Track or the LPN-RN Student Track (if eligible). Regardless of track, students must complete at least 60 credit hours to complete the program.

Associate of Science in Nursing: LPN-ASN Student Track 

The LPN-ASN program includes eight (8) credit hours for LPN mobility. Six (6) credit hours are awarded once the LPN has submitted proof of a valid non-restricted LPN license. The two (2) additional credit hours are awarded after the LPN has submitted validation of one year of current working experience as an LPN. 

Note: Student will be responsible for Special Credit (SC) fees the semester these credits are awarded, as stated in the current Catalog. 
Note: For courses with an NURS prefix, 1 clock hour of lecture per week for 15 weeks earns 1 credit hour; 3 clock hours of clinical/lab time per week for 15 weeks earns 1 credit hour. In addition, students may only register for a NURS course with the signature of a nursing advisor or the ASN Program Chair on their registration form. 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits