Core Curriculum Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree Programs

Some programs require specific course options from within the General Education curriculum. Students should consult with their advisors to ensure completion of coursework that fulfills all requirements.

General Education

I. LMU Specific Courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

II. Communication

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

*Bachelor of Arts students must complete 6 credit hours of a foreign language.

III. Ethics, Fine Arts, History, or Humanities

Chosen courses must have two different prefixes (e.g. ART, ENGL, etc.).

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

IV. Behavioral/Social Sciences

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

V. History

Choose any two history courses from the list below.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

VI. Mathematics

(see Mathematics Placement)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

VII. Natural Sciences/Physical Sciences

Requirements differ based upon degree type. BS students must complete 8 credit hours of natural/physical sciences; BA and BBA students must take 4 credit hours. 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

*LMU requires all first-time freshmen students with less than 15 credits of college credit to complete UACT 100. This credit does not include AP, CLEP, or Dual-enrollment credit.

English Placement

ENGL 099 Basic Reading and Composition

Any student with an English ACT of 17 (or less) or SAT verbal or writing exam score of 460 (or less) must pass ENGL 099 before enrolling in ENGL 101.

ENGL 101 Composition I

  • Students who have successfully completed ENGL 099 with a grade of “C-” or higher may enroll in ENGL 101.
  • Students scoring between 18 and 25 on the ACT English exam may enroll in ENGL 101.
  • Students scoring between 470 and 660 on the SAT verbal or writing exam may enroll in ENGL 101.

ENGL 102 Composition II

  • Students who have successfully completed ENGL 101 with a grade of “C-” or higher may enroll in ENGL 102.
  • Students who have successfully completed one (1) dual enrollment composition course with a grade of “C-” or higher may enroll in ENGL 102.
  • Students scoring 26 or higher on the ACT English exam may enroll in ENGL 102.
  • Students scoring 4 or higher on the AP English Language and Composition exam may enroll in ENGL 102.
  • Students scoring 670 or higher on the SAT verbal or written exam may enroll in ENGL 102.

ENGL 240 Literary Forms; ENGL 250 Literary History and Culture

  • Students who have successfully completed ENGL 102 with a grade of “C-” or higher may enroll in ENGL 240 or 250.
  • Students who have successfully completed two (2) dual enrollment composition courses with a grade of “C-” or higher may enroll in ENGL 240 or 250.
  • Students scoring 4 or higher on the AP English Literature and Composition exam may enroll in ENGL 240 or 250.

Foreign Language Requirement
(for Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree)

Six (6) hours of LMU credit in Spanish or French or appropriate AP score on Foreign Language test (see table at Special Credit by Exam) or six (6) hours of dual credit with a minimum grade of C, or a CLEP score of at least 50 on the Spanish World Language exam (valued at 6 hours of credit) or a CLEP score of at least 50 on the French Language exam (valued at six (6) hours of credit).

Mathematics Placement

Any student with a Math ACT of less than 19 or SAT of less than 510 must pass MATH 099 before continuing in MA TH 105.

Student with a Math score of at least

May enroll in MATH

ACT 19 or SAT 510

105 (or below)

ACT 21 or SAT 530

115, 110, or below

ACT 23 or SAT 560

120 or below

ACT 26 or SAT 610

150* or below

*Any student with an AP Calculus AB score of 4 or higher or an AP Calculus BC score of 3 may receive credit for MATH 150. An AP Calculus BC score of 4 or higher may receive credit for MATH 150 and MATH 250.

Total Credits