School of Business - Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Degrees Offered

The School of Business offers an Associate of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Arts in Business, and a Bachelor of Business Administration with multiple concentration options. Additionally, minor options are available in General Business and Management Information Studies.

Associate of Business Administration (ABA)

ABA Program Overview

The Associate of Business Administration (ABA) degree requires the completion of a total of 60 credit hours. The curriculum is comprised of both General Education, Business, and degree-specific requirements.

ABA Mission Statement

The Associate of Business Administration program provides students with fundamental business knowledge to enhance their skillsets in diverse professional environments.

Expected Outcomes of the ABA
  1. Examine basic principles of management and analytical tools for domestic and global business.
  2. Apply basic financial and managerial accounting principles.
  3. Develop marketing strategies using marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies.
  4. Apply financial concepts such as capital budgeting, cash flow analysis and stock and bond evaluations for decision making.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA Program Overview

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree requires the completion of the BBA Core (42 credit hours) and one BBA concentration (24 semester credit hours). A student must successfully complete a total of 122 credit hours to be eligible for graduation, which includes required credit hours from General Education courses, elective courses, BBA core courses, and BBA concentration courses. 

In this degree option, a student will choose to complete a concentration in:

  1. Accounting (ACCT)
  2. Business Analytics (BSAN)
  3. Finance (FIN)
  4. General Business (BUSN)
  5. Healthcare Administration (HCA)
  6. Management (MGMT)
  7. Management Information Systems (MIS)
  8. Marketing (MKTG)
  9. Pre-Law (PLAW)
  10. Sport Management (SMT)

The student will complete the 24 credit hour curriculum associated with the concentration, of which at least 6 credit hours must be 300/400 level courses. This does not include business core course requirements. Students who wish to declare multiple concentrations must complete 24 distinct credit hours for each concentration. 

Note: Three Plus Three Program (Early Entry to Law). Students will complete three years of undergraduate education, complete the BBA Core (36 credit hours), all other LMU graduation requirements, and then, upon completion of the first year of DSOL education, be awarded the Bachelors of Business Administration in Pre-Law (PLAW.BBA). Courses taken during the first year of DSOL will serve as a BBA "Pre-Law" Concentration (24 semester hours).

BBA Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts in Business programs shape future business leaders through comprehensive foundational education and develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to support career success.

Expected Outcomes of the BBA
  1. Examine basic principles of management and analytical tools for domestic and global business.
  2. Apply basic financial and managerial accounting principles.
  3. Develop marketing strategies using marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies.
  4. Apply financial concepts such as capital budgeting, cash flow analysis and stock and bond evaluations for decision making.
  5. Devise and communicate business strategies using management theory, legal, and ethical principles for sustainable business operations.

Note: BBA concentration-specific outcomes are found on individual curriculum pages. 

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business 

BA in Business Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business degree requires the completion of the BA Program Core (42 credit hours). A student must successfully complete a total of 122 credit hours to be eligible for graduation and includes required credit hours from General Education courses, elective courses, and BA-Business Core courses. 

BA in Business Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts in Business programs shape future business leaders through comprehensive foundational education and develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to support career success.

Expected Outcomes of the BA in Business
  1. Examine basic principles of management and analytical tools for domestic and global business.
  2. Apply basic financial and managerial accounting principles.
  3. Develop marketing strategies using marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies.
  4. Apply financial concepts such as capital budgeting, cash flow analysis and stock and bond evaluations for decision making.
  5. Devise and communicate business strategies using management theory, legal, and ethical principles for sustainable business operations.

Note: Students preparing for teacher licensure in General Business should complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business degree. If seeking certification in a specific content area of business, complete the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a concentration in the selected area. Either degree will require collaborative courses for the Professional Secondary Education Track (BA). Students are encouraged to work closely with advisors within both departments.

Degrees and Certificates