LMU's undergraduate teacher education program for special education licensure offers courses leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education Interventionist for grades 6-12 that is in compliance with Tennessee Department of Education licensure standards. Preparation begins with general studies courses to establish a knowledge base, continuing through the development of the major and the Professional Education Core, and culminating in the Clinical Practice Experience (student teaching).
General Education
I. LMU Specific Courses
II. Communication
III. Ethics, Fine Arts, History, or Humanities
IV. Behavioral/Social Sciences
V. History
VI. Mathematics
(see Mathematics Placement)
VII. Natural Sciences/Physical Sciences
*LMU requires all first-time freshmen students with less than 15 credits of college credit to complete UACT 100. This credit does not include AP, CLEP, or Dual-enrollment credit.
Professional Education Core
PSYC 221: Meets general education requirement